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Журналы Атомная стратегия 2024 год
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Вышла в свет книга Б.И.Нигматулина и В.А.Пивоварова «Реакторы с тяжелым жидкометаллическим теплоносителем. История трагедии и фарса». Подробнее 
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E-mail: Савичев Владимир.
Время и Судьбы

Re: Стратегия-2018 - смесь шарлатанства и конъюнктурного сговора. Часть 6 (Всего: 0)
от на 18/11/2019
Не так чтобы давно 97% научный консенсус был уверен в геоцентрической теории.
Как ни печально, мир развивается благодаря евронауке и не слушает кваканье российских непризнанных гениев...

Дайте пожалуйста ссылку на обзор в уважаемом журнале в котором есть "множество данных" об катастрофическом изменении климата за счет деятельности человека.

Очевидно, что любая статья про климат с вероятностью 0,97 признает антропогенные факторы.
Global risk of deadly heat
Future global mortality from changes in air pollution attributable to climate change
Recent pace of change in human impact on the world’s ocean
Десятки журналов с сотнями соответствующих статей:

как быть с колебанием уровня Каспия
Деменций, ты с Каспием, как поляков с черной дырой, как курица с яйцом.

Long‐term Caspian Sea level changeWe show that increased evaporation rates over the Caspian Sea play a dominant role in reversing the increasing trend in CSL during the past 37 years. The current long‐term decline in CSL is expected to continue into the foreseeable future, under global warming scenarios.
The researchers looked at the three primary influences on Caspian Sea water levels: water from rivers that drain into the sea, precipitation and evaporation. They compiled information about water level changes observed by satellites, records of precipitation and drainage into the sea from rivers, and estimations of precipitation and evaporation from climate models. The researchers then assembled a record of how much each of these factors contributed to observed changes in the Caspian Sea level from 1979 to 2015. They found Caspian Sea levels increased by about 12 centimeters (5 inches) per year from 1979-1995. But in 1996, sea levels began to drop, and declined by an average of nearly 7 centimeters (3 inches) per year through 2015. From 1996-2015, the Caspian Sea level dropped nearly 1.4 meters (4.5 feet), according to sea level records used in the study. Evaporation contributed to about half of that decline, while the combined effects of precipitation and river discharge changes contributed to the other half. According to the study, the observed evaporation rates are associated with increased surface air temperature and other climate factors such as surface humidity and wind. The new study provides the first convincing evidence that increased evaporation over the Caspian Sea is a more important driving force of Caspian sea level change than river discharge or precipitation, said Anny Cazenave, a CNES space geodesist at the Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS) at Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées in Toulouse, France, who was not involved in the new study. "An interesting finding from the study is that over the last two decades, climate-model predicted water loss ... apparently cannot be balanced by water gain from discharge, and increased evaporation is a major factor leading to this imbalance," Cazenave said. "If the temperature in the Caspian Sea region continues to increase, the evaporation rate is also expected to increase. Unless river discharge increases accordingly or precipitation in the Caspian drainage basin increases accordingly, the imbalance is likely to continue."
The team says that under current climate models, the evaporation could even see the northern waters of the Caspian vanish within 75 years.

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