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Re: Цитата: вправду считаете США и ЕС ''ядром мировой цивилизации''? (Всего: 0) от на 04/10/2019
With around 46 million cars registered for use on German roads,
over two thirds of adults in Germany own a car. Each car covered around
14,000 kilometres on average in 2016, equivalent to 625.5 billion
kilometres for the year in total.
Almost half of all Germans take their cars on holiday [www.spiegel.de], with the figure rising to 76 per cent for holidays made within Germany. Most Germans also travel to work by car. 68 per cent of commuters used their car to get to work in 2016.
Only 14 per cent used public transport, according to information from
the Federal Statistical Office, with the remainder travelling by
motorcycle, bicycle or on foot. The picture was slightly better in urban
areas, where 31 per cent made use of the public transport network.