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Журналы Атомная стратегия 2024 год
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Re: Цитата: вправду считаете США и ЕС ''ядром мировой цивилизации''? (Всего: 0)
от на 04/10/2019

Antigonie Jody McDermott, Perpetual Traveller; Conscientious Objector; Social DemocratUpdated Jul 26, 2019
I'm a foreign resident of Heidelberg Germany, these are my observations.Grocery shopping in Germany is inexpensive; the sheer quantity of good quality foodstuff that is available- is impressive. Every German city has at least one discount grocery store, ie, Aldi, Kaufland etc. But, the best place to buy fresh produce is in ethnic Turkish owned supermarkets and outdoor markets- found in most German cities.It's hard to believe, that many Germans actually believe groceries are too expensive in their country; most of them probably have limited experience of life in a foreign country. A short visit to the Netherlands or France, reveals how expensive basic living expenses are in other countries- compared to Germany.Also, the average cost of renting an flat is relatively inexpensive. Germany is a nation of “renters”, few people own their own homes, consequently the government encourages cheap rents. Basic necessities are easily affordable; the only real obstacle (that I have experienced), to renting a flat is discrimination, not a lack of funds. Basic cost of living isn't difficult to maintain, but we are human beings, since when have we been content to have enough to eat and a roof over our heads?On the other hand, things that aren't considered bare necessities are considered a luxury and taxed accordingly. VAT taxes are very high, almost 20%, it's similar to the luxury taxes that exist in China (but this inline with most other European countries). I especially find it deplorable that food is taxed in Germany; there is no sales tax on groceries in the United States. Taxation shouldn't hinder a person's ability to feed themselves and their families.Although, Germany has become rich supplying the world with luxury cars and other goods; most Germans are unable to enjoy the fruits of their labour, apparently.For example, computers, smartphones and other HiFi equipment are expensive, compared to the USA. Everything from Automobiles, motorcycles and electric bicycles, to sports equipment and top brand tennis shoes are also overpriced- compared to the United States.If you like dogs, and want to own one, be prepared to pay 150 Euros per year- for the privilege. But, it doesn't cost anything to have a pet cat. There is probably a logical explanation, why people are taxed for dog ownership, but not for cats.Germany is well-known for the freedom of the Autobahn, what the Germans call “Fahrvergnügen”; although, there is no speed limit, the Germans are generally very good drivers. But, this comes at a cost, it can cost between 1,500–2,000€ inorder to be licensed to drive. This is after you factor in various expenses, including mandatory driver's education (which makes a lot of sense, but is nonetheless very expensive).Germany has a lot of admirers, who are always talking about the four weeks of paid vacation time that Germans receive. Little do they know, 40% of Germans cannot afford to actually go on vacation, they simply stay at home and watch a lot of TV.Germany isn't a consumer society, in fact personal consumption is discouraged, because it encourages individualism. It isn't a coincidence that consumer societies such as the USA and Great Britain, put a big emphasis on individualism and personal liberty. People “accessorise their lives”, consumption leads to greater personal expression and materialism.But in Germany “saving money and hoarding” is encouraged instead; German media masks it in the rhetoric of environmental conservation, saving for a rainy day or simply being thrifty, but it is what it is.Nevertheless, Germany is a wealthy country, that provides many useful services to it's citizens and residents (especially high quality comprehensive health insurance). I have layed out simple observations of Germany, but if you disagree with me, please write your own answer to the question.Two years have elapsed since this monologue was written, in this interim period- housing costs have skyrocketed in Berlin and other major metropolises, property speculation has become rife; but costs remain relatively low compared to the costs associated with living in other European capitals.

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