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Re: Цитата: вправду считаете США и ЕС ''ядром мировой цивилизации''? (Всего: 0) от на 25/09/2019
Удивительна страсть Ну, тут только два варианта. Либо ты - дешевая пригожинская проститутка, либо шизофреник. Иначе не объяснить весь твой бред и ложь. Хоть один пример, кроме аккумулятора, китайского компонента из приведенной ссылки?
По Линуксу: https://www.infoworld.com/article/2610207/who-writes-linux--corporations--more-than-ever.html Who writes Linux? Corporations, more than ever Linux Foundation report shows for-profit
companies provide 80-plus percent of kernel patches, with big role for
mobile hardware developersHere's an irony for you: the Linux kernel is now written, more than ever
before, by for-profit corporations, many of which are in direct
competition with each other. The total share of contributions by such
outfits is rising year over year.In fact, it might well be mobile development, rather than
server-side, that constitutes the most vital parts of Linux kernel
development right now. Texas Instruments and Linaro, two major mobile
developers, were the No. 3 and 4 corporate kernel contributors in 2013,
respectively. Linaro [www.computerworld.com],
a not-for-profit firm co-founded by IBM, Samsung, ARM, and others, was
responsible for patches that boosted Android's performance by anywhere
from 30 to 100 percent depending on the benchmarks used.Most of
the contributions to the kernel by a given company tend to revolve
around what that company wants to get out of Linux, typically to make
its own products that much more useful with the operating system. That's
obvious for hardware vendors like Intel and Broadcom, and some 9.9
million of the 17 million lines of code in the Linux kernel are for
hardware drivers. But in the case of Microsoft -- not as major a
contributor as some, but a contributor nonetheless -- it's more about
making Linux run that much more efficiently in environments like Azure
or Hyper-V.Таким образом, снова ложь от выставляющего себя гомо совковикусом. Для полноты картины осталось только еще озвучить популярную у убогих сказку о небывавших на Луне американцах, Которых, правда, СССР, почему-то, с прилунением поздравил. В итоге: ни один факт не опровергнут, только ложь и пафосные визги. Гетто-троллинг, по сути.