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Re: О применимости новой технологии ТЭП к устройствам А.Росси (Всего: 0)
от на 22/03/2017
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The picture is slowly starting to come into focus.Sure this can still all be some toxic brew of delusion, greed, ego and fraud. But if so, add another Uppsala physics professor to the supposedly duped/part of the conspiracy list. One not warned away by his fellow burned Uppsala colleagues… one unable to competently measure a COP of 22k (ha)… or one throwing his lot in with a conspiratorial crew at a late date with a rather radical theory paper, jeopardizing a promising career that’s just getting started.That picture is so blurry it looks like a watercolor painted by a blind man.The other picture is more interesting. What was going on the past year and a half? THE ONE MEGAWATT PLANT TEST you scream! THE GPT for $89M!No.Yes, but no. What was going on was continued R&D arriving at the flat out incredible QuarkX generation of the E-Cat outside the prying eyes of Industrial Heat and with another as yet unnamed partner. What was going on was laying the groundwork for IP divorce via the legal system from Industrial Heat.When IH failed to commercialize the E-Cat and instead concentrated on collecting IP, stalled regarding any GPT that would lead to final payment and sharing and, at least in Rossi’s mind, WRONGLY sharing his E-Cat IP… he decided to go in a different direction. This has been his pattern of behavior — it should not surprise us.The plan. Move the plant to Florida away from prying eyes, perform a nominal GPT test with a tightly controlled customer… make it look real enough. Run the plant for real or not… perhaps at reduced COP but still over unity, perhaps at the high COP reported. Its purpose was two-fold: provide cover for continuing R&D on the rapidly evolving and remarkable Quark X and provide a plausible basis for suing IH because he was sure they would not pay the $89M.But he doesn’t care about the $89M. Well not much anyway. With an invaluable QuarkX in his pocket and another partner on his side, he doesn’t really need the money and he doesn’t need their take-it-slow, collect-all-the-IP approach. But what he does need was to get out from under the onerous license agreement with IH. He had to force a parting of the ways, with IH holding no rights to the new generation of E-Cat, and used the GPT in the agreement to try to make it happen.His comments about the legal proceedings have been fairly optimistic and one must wonder why when the touted customer looks all but proven fake, the data has holes and the plant itself raises many as yet unanswered questions. He is far away from that $89M. Far far away. But he has scored points as well and I believe he thinks he has enough to void the agreement. Enough to indicate that IH did not operate in good faith in some ways and that any settlement at this point would include IH relinquishing rights over the IP (which they consider worthless) even if he has to pay back the $11.5M. Enough that if it went to trial, the most likely outcome would be that the agreement had been breached on both sides. Perfect! He doesn’t need the money and he doesn’t want the relationship.Is this the Hydrofusion deception on a larger scale? We’ve seen that Rossi can be quite deceptive when it suits his purposes. Has this been so confounding because it was meant to be?Why will the Quark introduction take place after the trial is over (if it gets that far)? Because he needs to be clear of any IP entanglements.This is the picture now coming into focus. It will be hard for many to see, at least initially. And it still may be an illusion of the world’s greatest illusionist. But it is quite a picture.Quite. A. Picture.jaman73I think it is Van de Graaff.radvarIf true then the eventual miniaturization/amplification improvements on LENR have come much earlier than anticipated.Anon2012_2014The experimental description is incomplete, and the statement“Input: 0.105 V of direct current over a 1 Ohm resistance”is inconsistent, as earlier they said that a LiAlH4 load that somehow generates a plasma is being generated with only 100 mA.I suggest that the current needed to create a plasma is higher than 100 mA and further that the initial resistance of the LiAlH4 is >>1 Ohms. This paper,The Thermal Decomposition of Lithium Aluminium HydrideW. E. Garner and E. W. Hay*****Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical SciencesVol. 211, No. 1106 (Mar. 6, 1952), pp. 335-351suggests that the resistance is of the order of 10^8 ohms for a 5 mm sample (see Table 5, page 346), and the Doral experiment had a 15 mm sample length. Therefore, they need to do something to get plasma going.This suggests that the 1 ohm load is a “current sensing resistor” in series with the LiAlH4 sample, which further suggests that the power applied to get the reaction started (perhaps for only a few microseconds) is 10^7 watts, i.e. a spark. This makes more sense to me for “lighting off” the plasma. Once the plasma has formed, conduction will be closer to free, and it is possible that the small 100 mA current can sustain the plasma, particularly if LENR is occuring. But exactly the plasma resistance is has not been defined or measured in the paper’s experimental description. For comparison, a typical neon glow discharge plasma lamp might start at 90 volts and then be maintained with 10 to 20 volts less.Bottom line is that I doubt the 22K COP implied from V^2/R power input using 1 ohm as the input. I’d like to see more data rather than guess how much power is actually being applied to the LiAlH4 sample to maintain the plasma.But, overall, I like the experiment, particularly the power output estimate based upon black body color, and I suggest that others try and replicate it (and publish their full schematic and input data) as it seems fairly simple to build. Even if the emissivity of the device is significantly lower, say 5%, it seems to be generating a lot of thermal radiation power that is relatively easy to measure. It might be a fast and cheap way of replicating an LENR effect.bfast0.1 volt producing a “plasma” over a 1.5 cm gap. Pretty impressive!Max TempleSo where does the manganese come from?Is this a previously unmentioned element of the fuel?“The circuit of the apparatus is made by a power source to supply directcurrent, a load made a 1 Ohm resistance, a reactor containing two nickelrods with LiAlH4 separated by 1.5 cm of space.”The DC power source doesn’t surprise me as Rossi has described using DC in his patents.What we need to decipher is: “a reactor containing two nickel rods with LiAlH4 separated by 1.5 cm of space.”What does this mean specifically? Is the LiAlH4 put in-between the two rods? Are the two rods parallel to each other or end-to-end? Do we have a drawing of the configuration? Time to gear up the replication attempts!

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