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Вышла в свет книга Б.И.Нигматулина и В.А.Пивоварова «Реакторы с тяжелым жидкометаллическим теплоносителем. История трагедии и фарса». Подробнее 
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Re: Эффект Росси – искусственная радиоактивность (Всего: 0)
от на 24/09/2019

Официальная физика ничего вразумительного не сказала, чтобы объяснить данные опытов об энергиях нейтрино при рождении и в "покое".  Электрон имеет 4 или 5 официальных размера, включая нуль...и т.д. и т.д.  


Комментарий А.Росси о так называемых теоретиках-опровергателях экспериментальных результатов:
  1. Prof September 23, 2019 at 7:29 AM []Dear Andrea:
    In your paper []
    is absolutely genial the way you found that the Casimir effect and the Van Der Waals force can have in your process, notwithstanding the obvious fact that their energy is very low, but, notwithstanding this, you discovered the particular situatons in which they can compensate the Coulombian forces.
    Very interesting also the analysis of the zitterbewegung effect of the electrons motion, wherein, as Dirac wrote in his Nobel prize lecture, electrons have vibration ( “tremors” ) at the speed of light even if, being Fermions, they move at a speed lower than c; it is remarkable that all these facts, connected with the Lorentz force and the neutral pico-metric aggregates, converge in the theoretical explication of your effect.
    This can also explain the unbelievable success of your paper, that even if very difficult to unferstand, is the most read of the 15 millions of publications on Researchgate after the appearence of your paper and the coherent video in []
    All the best,

  1. Andrea Rossi September 23, 2019 at 9:08 AM []Prof:
    Thank you for your attention to the publication. You are right, it is rigorous and consequently to read it is necessary to have a solid background.
    I still have yet to receive a serious criticism, besides the usual stupidities bag coming from persons that do not have the necessary skill to read and understand what I wrote, like “…how can an electron, that is a Fermion, travel at the speed of light…”, or “…how can Van Der Waals force and Casimir force have a role in nuclear interactions with their so small entity…” as if I did not know that a Fermion cannot travel at the speed c and that Casimir and Van Der Waals forces, in standard situations, cannot determine long range particle interactions. These observations mean only one thing: who writes so did not read the paper.
    Warm Regards,
    To understand the theoretical scheme it is also necessary to integrate the Aharonov- Bohm effect.

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