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Re: Реальность новой энергетики (Всего: 0)
от на 16/04/2016

Вот письмо в блог Росси..
Jacky April 15, 2016 at 8:06 PM []Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
At the beginning I was convinced you were wrong and IH was right, but after reading all the rants of Jed Rothwell and the other hatchet men of IH and looked through the papers that have been published in the internet, I changed idea. You are right in the dispute against IH.
What convinced me is a foundamental thing. While IH was raising 50 millions from Woodford ( whose role has to be analyzed carefully ) JT Vaughn, in the same very days was writing to the authorities that your plant was not working and used a physicist connected with your competitors to induce the healthcare dept. of Florida to close your plant and interrupt the test. This fact, easy to understand reading carefully all the papers in the internet, clearly discloses the strategy of IH: use you to collect millions from investors, but, at the same time, stop you to forbid you to complete the test, so that they can avoid to pay you. Their strategy was, and is, to justify with their investors saying they are collecting money for an R&D that will never end…and block any factual development of your E-Cat, at the same time buying toilet papers to show to the investors ( and the auditors of Woodford and company ) that they have a lot of IP at the stake and that you are only one piece of the modaic; this way the justify with the investors that they got 50 millions and eventually lost your license , which initialy was the pillar of their value.
From one side we have a man that has worked 16-18 hours per day, risking his health while making the Guinea pig, putting all his life in this risky endevour, on the other side we have financial smartasses that without working got 50 millions, or more, from Woodford, started a 200 milions concern in China, and at the same time tried to “kill” you: look at what JT Vaughn said to the North Carilina healthcare authority exactly while he was colecting 50 millions from Woodford. Why ? Because they never wanted a real work done, they always wanted only sell toilet paper to make easy money.
I was an enemy of you, Dr Rossi, but Rothwell and his paid armada of hatchets has convinced me that you are fighting against sharks to defend a work you have dedicated your life to. This having been said, now do not lose time in chatters with these assholes, continue to focus on your work and put the E-Cat on the market. This is the sole way you have to sweep away this trash.
An admirer of your efforts,
May God help you

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